Sunday, February 26, 2017

Game Changer

I chose to create a game like/interactive flow chart to address the social issue of feminism. Instead of focusing on the broad aspect of feminism I narrowed it down to feminism specifically within the LDS church. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of members of the church who automatically associate feminism with the extremists, so they often think feminists are a bunch of crazy lady’s that hate men. A Huffington  Post article states that “feminism is not the belief that one gender should be raised in power above another. The very definition of feminism shows a complete opposition to this belief.” In other words, the basic feminist belief is that men and woman are equal, and therefore should be treated equally. That basic belief is part of church doctrine, but gets complicated within the cultural norms of the church. I also used the Family: A Proclamation to the World to get some ideas for some of the question on the flow chart. Basically the goal is to get people to recognize that if you believe that men and woman are equal then that’s feminism. It may not be radical feminism, but it’s feminism nonetheless. There are different levels of feminism. I’m hoping this game helps members of the church think twice before the say that they aren’t feminists. I also took a look at three different examples of 3 Ad Agencies trying to rebrand feminism to help me get ideas for my flow chart.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Textual Poaching

Image result for faces by picasso                                                                     

For my textual poaching assignment I chose to identify myself as being a sister. A couple of years ago my sister passed away, and a result of that has been experiencing somewhat of an identity loss. All of my life my sister has been one of the ways that I identified myself, and she still is, but it's in a different way, because she's not here on this earth with me anymore. Going through this experience I have come to realize just how much my siblings are part of who I am, they make up my identity, and I wanted to represent that through this assignment. Pablo Picasso's paintings have always been very interesting to me, and I felt like doing something similar to his art would help portray what I was feeling. I love looking at Picasso's portraits because they express the complexities that make up an individual. It’s almost as if all of the different things that make a person who they are on the inside surface on the outside. Looking at Picasso’s portraits helped inspire the idea to do something along those lines. I started with my face, and added to it using different parts of my sibling’s faces. The parts that are mine are in black and white, and their parts are in color, representing the color that my siblings bring in to my identity. Without them I would not be the same person.

I think that for my future classroom, this assignment would be really cool for students to analyze some of the characters from novels that we would be studying. They could even choose something from the time that the book takes place to inspire them and then make a modern day adaptation/textual poaching to portray one of the characters.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Process Piece

I chose to create an audio piece documenting me learning how to play a song from the movie La La Land. The one minute clip doesn’t document the song in it’s entirety, but it does represent the process of learning the first page. In order to record part of this song, it actually required me learning how to play the song, and that was the act of labor. Recording music is always interesting, because it seems like every time you record the song turns out different in one way or another, so to try and make it more authentic I recorded it once, and used that recording to capture what it actually sounded like after working on learning the piece for a little bit. An audio piece doesn’t actually show the labor going in to learning the song, but it shows the result of the labor that went into learning the song.