Sunday, February 5, 2017

Process Piece

I chose to create an audio piece documenting me learning how to play a song from the movie La La Land. The one minute clip doesn’t document the song in it’s entirety, but it does represent the process of learning the first page. In order to record part of this song, it actually required me learning how to play the song, and that was the act of labor. Recording music is always interesting, because it seems like every time you record the song turns out different in one way or another, so to try and make it more authentic I recorded it once, and used that recording to capture what it actually sounded like after working on learning the piece for a little bit. An audio piece doesn’t actually show the labor going in to learning the song, but it shows the result of the labor that went into learning the song. 

1 comment:

  1. What is a way you could have shown the process that took place before your resulted project?
